About Admin

Hi, I am a Texan who loves to search the Internet, work with web design, and generally learn new things. I would like to share my research and learning with you. Thanks for visiting my blog. Best wishes. Marilyn-Kaye

Hard Money & No Income Verification Loans – Mortgage & Business Loans

This is an information page with a number of links below for finding Hard Money and No Income Verification Mortgage and Business Loans.

The are many reasons for people to seek Hard Money Loans, ranging from credit problems to needing money faster than a bank can approve a loan. Investors often seek Hard Money Loans. Hard Money Loans are often popular for short term real estate investing and many HML have a limit, like a maximum 10 year repayment limit, but some of these loans can also be for businesses or individuals who want a regular, long-term home mortgage loan. Continue reading

Joomla – The Real Basics.

Joomla is a web design program, but it was created to allow people with little or no HTML knowledge to have an expansive, sophisticated website.

There are plenty of how-to articles for leaning Joomla, further down are some links to Joomla tutorials that are very helpful. This article is about some of the basics of Joomla that are can be a bit harder to discover. Continue reading

Your Life’s Journey – How to Easily Journal Your Life. Very Simple Ideas!

This is a brief post, but I feel it is an important post. I want to offer you few quick and easy way for you to keep track of your life’s adventures. A simple calendar, a journal, and a memories jar. Photos are pretty obvious, but those too.

We all have yearly calendars, free from businesses or pretty ones we buy, so make good use of them.

Your Life – Year by Year – In Calendars
As your life passes and time speeds by, many events, and people, and adventures will cross your path. As the years pass, memories begin to fade and you may lose track of dates and events. When did we get our first dog as a married couple? When did you buy me those first diamond earrings? What year did we take that first vacation to Colorado? In later years, the list will be long of forgotten memories. Continue reading

WordPress – My Favorite Sources For Learning WP

WordPress is a wonderful and free tool for creating blogs and websites. People who use WordPress were not born with the knowledge of how to install and use WordPress, it had to be learned. You don’t see to many babies popping out with WP tattooed on their foreheads.

It does not take a formal education to learn WordPress, I’m no genius LOL, it just takes some learning. The easy way to learn WordPress is by viewing YouTube videos, and there are many videos available, I’ve noted a few below. Take a look. Continue reading